Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Grandstand ticketing saga 2017

Oh boy getting Grandstand tickets to the Tyrepower Tasmania SuperSprint event has been interesting again. Dealing with Ticketek and buying tickets for platinum Grandstand seating at this premier Tasmanian event has been a saga yet again in 2017.

Last year we experienced a ticketing saga as the Grandstand size changed and all pre-bought seats were reallocated through phone contact. By the time I got through to someone our coveted aisle seats were all sold and we were only able to choose from other seats. We rolled with this one as it was luck of the draw. Went to the event and were reasonably satisfied with the seats but definitely prefer aisle seating. Throughout this we had things happen such as the wrong tickets arrive in the mail with the incorrect seating allocated and 12 emails later had this sorted and new tickets sent. Enjoyed the event.

Roll along to the next coming event - Tyrepower Tasmania SuperSprint Friday 7 - Sunday 9 April 2017. Tickets go on sale late in December 2016. Online I go and purchase our coveted aisle seats in the row where we wish to view the racing from. All sorted - you would think! But no as on the 19th of January 2017 I receive an email about the event and read the following

Dear ticket holder,

Due to a change in the Grandstand build, the Grandstand seat numbering for the Typrepower Tasmania SuperSprint Friday 7 – Sunday 9 April 2017 has now changed from 38-1 to 1-38 (left to right facing the track).

You will still be located in the exact same seat within the Grandstand, however you will be allocated the new seat number which will reflect this on your ticket when you receive it.

Only if you wish to retain the same seat number therefore changing your seat location, please email and we can arrange this for you.

Thank you for your understanding regarding this matter.


I read this email, log in to Ticketek on about the 20th January 2017  and yes our seats have been re-numbered but are in the same position. Phew! No need to email as we definitely, as it states in the received email, wish to retain our location and therefore we need do nothing. All is good with the world of ticket booking.

But no, I, just out sheer curiosity, log in to Ticketek to look at my order history on March the 11th 2017 and see to my surprise a further change to our seating dated the 9th February 2017. Becoming concerned I view the seating chart. Whhhaaaaaattttttt! We have been moved and not just a little bit! No emails, no phone contact, nothing from either the Supercars or Ticketek as to this mysterious change in our seating.

Why have we had our seating changed? Who to contact? Who would have answers?

It was a Saturday. I tried all afternoon to get through to Ticketek on their contact number of 132849 and all afternoon for 2 and 1/2 hours all I got was an engaged signal. Left it til later, tried and got through to a message about it being out of hours and to call at 9:00am or after on Sunday. Ripper. On the phone dead on 9am Sunday morning. It rings. But then an automated message system to navigate. Got through that to be put on hold with the message that all the operators were busy and waited for only 15 minutes to get through. Silent cheers as I got to speak to a person. Explained my situation, listened to keys busily tapping on a keyboard as I explained the issue and was told I needed to speak to some attached to the Supercars account and that would need to be in business hours. Notes were attached to my customer ID, this information was forward and someone would be in touch. OK time to wait and wonder and worry slightly.

By Tuesday afternoon (not long I know but worried...) we had heard nothing, received no return calls and no answer to an email composed and sent at the weekend either.

What next? Having come home early from work specifically to deal with this I tried unsuccessfully to get back in touch with Ticketek. Engaged, engaged, engaged and so on. Searched the internet for a Supercars contact. Found one and rang. Two tries before successfully getting to speak to a person. Lovely person who listened, sympathised and said she needed to get in touch with someone at Ticketek who handles Supercars bookings. She would follow this up and get back to me. Very grateful to this lovely person who got back to me, the next day, who had followed up but had no answer at that point. More contact details provided and more waiting.

I did assume that contact might be made later in that day but nothing so far. It is now evening and at this point no change in our mucked up tickets. No way of getting to Ticketek - engaged, engaged, engaged etc......

Got through to Ticketek - quoted my customer ID and got a very efficient operator who just let me know that nothing has changed and that she would escalate and add more notes and someone would be in touch.

Hoping maybe tomorrow someone will get back to me with answers and a solution.

Why the change? Why no customer contact? Can I have my pre-booked, booked early, chosen specially seats back?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

And this is how it ends - A Grandstand -yes :-) Covered - no :-(

A deep feeling of dissatisfaction after receiving an email from Ticketek with "important information about your event" including this:

Yes - the offer of a refund for those who were offered pre-sale tickets without being given all the relevant information. Yes - a grandstand with a reserved seat for three days and we hope that the weather plays fair. No - Tassie, the state with four seasons in one day, is not the ideal place for an uncovered grandstand.

The questions remain the same. Are there any other rounds without the offer of at least some covered grandstands? Why has it been a problem this year when there has been a covered grandstand for the last five years? Why should Tasmanian fans not have this option? Why were mixed messages made when the V8 website has Mark Perry quoted in a media release that definitely suggests a grandstand with a cover?

Surely there is still time to try and find a cover.

You know be sun safe - Slip on a shirt, slop on suncreen, slap on a hat, seek shade .... have a covered grandstand!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

And the saga continues...

It seems that celebrations have been premature with the provision of reserved grandstand seating at the Symmons Plains round of the V8 Supercars in 2014.

Lobbying by fans led to an announcement by Mark Perry which stated
In a further coup for fans, due to popular demand, the grandstand will be erected near turn two for next month’s V8 Supercars Tyrepower Tasmania 400.

But V8 Supercars is quick to point out that again, spaces are limited with tickets to go on sale to the general public from Saturday.

"The grandstand always provides one of the best seats trackside, as well as comfort for racegoers with shade and of course optimal viewing of the action," Perry said.

Yet on the Ticketek website it states in black and white (link now broken as the event has been held) that the Grandstand in 2014 will not be covered. How does a non covered grandstand provide shade? Mark Perry stated "comfort for racegoers with shade"!! The cost of grandstand tickets has increased so that fans are paying more for less. Interesting way of placating fans?

So the question remains the same. Why does this organisation believe that Tasmanian fans deserve less than that provided at any other round of this national/international event? Why has it taken pressure from irate fans to get even this far?

Taken from Turn 2 Grandstand - 2009

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Successful Outcome for Fans

The V8 organisers released a news item on their website today and there will now be a reserved Grandstand seating option offered for the Tasmanian Round of the V8 Supercars event.
Early Morning shot of the Grandstand at Turn 2
 ready to be filled with race watchers.
They are also offering the opportunity to park and view.
Latest Viewing Options on Ticketek
A very positive outcome for V8 Supercar fans who have enjoyed a grandstand in previous years.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Still Waiting

Still waiting impatiently for a better offer from the organisers for seating at this very popular motor sport event in Tasmania. The options on the Ticketek site have changed again but still no reserved seat Grandstand at Turn 2. These are the best seats at Symmons Plains that have been well patronised each year the event has been held.
The only choices at the moment for the Tasmanian round.
Yes the email I received from the organisers said be patient and that some kind of announcement would be made by the 21st of February as to whether Grandstand seating would be available. So far all the viewing options offered do not appeal especially not the hospitality ones. I do not need the food, drink and hospitality all I require is a covered, elevated seat in the best position at the track for watching racing not socialising.
The basic questions remains the same. Why did organisers think that it was OK to treat one round differently? Why are only Tasmanian fans being given less options for viewing this one round that comes to their state?

Friday, February 7, 2014

Fans Are Unhappy

I am not alone in objecting to the removal of the last surviving grandstand at the V8 Supercars round to be held at Symmons Plains at the end of March 2014. Quoted below are the contents of a letter from Mr M Shearer (emailed to the organisers) who is also very unhappy about not being able to purchase reserved grandstand seating so as to be able to enjoy this event in a similar fashion to previous years.

I have been waiting with anticipation for the V8 show returning to Symmons Plains at the end of next month. What I am disappointed about, and wish to express my opinion for, is that there appears to be NO GRANDSTAND SEATS? Surely, there must be a mistake here? This will be my tenth outing this year to the Plains in a row, and each year since the return in 2004, I, along with a group of us, have purchased and enjoyed grand stand seating. As an avid, year round follower of the sport, I like to watch the races, uninterrupted, undercover from the varied & unpredictable Tassie weather & with a view of the large screen in front of me. If it is pouring with rain, as you know, racing is always more interesting, particularly when it can be watched by fans without getting drenched themselves.

Each year, I remember, there are always very few, if any, seats left on the grand stand, so it is obviously a popular seller. Also, the quality of the fans who are prepared to pay for G/stand seats is noticeably better than say, those on the hill. Particularly older people, over 50, often frequent the grand stand & quite often the same crowd year in year out. These people, might I add, are also most likely more “cashed up” and are more likely to spend $$$ in merchandise alley, including V8 Supercars own product – each year a lot of people in the grand stand are wearing current season merchandise, as opposed to the majority “general admissioners” still walking around in old Ambrose Pirtek colours or old school HRT gear.

Take away the Turn 2 Grandstand, (which back in 2004/05/06 was actually three), that has now widdled down to one and you are disenfranchising a large group of your greatest supporters. I doubt there is one other racing location in Australia where there isn’t at least one grandstand available?

Please seriously consider the flow on effect & negativity from not bringing the grand stand seating to Launceston. Without this, you will not see myself, or the large group of us seriously devoted V8 fans at the track, but instead on our recliners at home watching the racing on our tv’s – and missing out on the adrenalized rush, sound & smell created by the sport we love the most.

The Examiner published a letter to the editor in today's edition from Mr L Shearer. Mr Shearer has also commented on this blog about his dissatisfaction at the viewing options offered to fans this year.
Another view from the Grandstand in 2013
Yes we have been sent replies to emails that suggest that a grandstand solution is being sought but should this situation have arisen at all? Why was it OK to contemplate taking away a well patronised seating option from only one round of a National/International motor sport event?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Latest reply from the V8 Supercars Organisation

I have emailed the V8 Supercars several times asking for answers to my questions and the below is a quote from the latest reply.

You will note in the original reply from V8 Supercars we did indicate a result would not be expected for a few weeks. We have taken on board all of your feedback in the emails thus far. We are continuing to work on securing a stand at the Tasmania 400, and will be in touch no later than 21/2/14 to advise of the outcome.

We will not be updating any of the information on either the Ticketek website or the V8 Supercars website until we have definite information to provide.

In the interim, please be patient.

Hoping for a good outcome for the fans that would like reserved grandstand seating.
Taken from Turn 2 Grandstand - 2009