Friday, January 24, 2014

Getting Some Replies

I have had a reply to my email to the V8 Supercar organisers.

I apologise for the delay in responding as we have been working through the logistics of getting a grandstand down to Tasmania and this is the only reason we are yet to put it on sale and as is always the case, there is a good reason as to why things happen or change.  Moving a show the size of the V8 Supercars is a major logistical undertaking and takes many hours of work to pull it all together and at the time tickets went on sale we could not guarantee that we would be able to provide the stand and I’m sure you agree that if we had put the grandstand on sale and then announced that we couldn’t provide it that this would have caused much more angst and inconvenience with our fans.

I assure you that we are doing all we can to provide the grandstand and will be making further announcements in relation to this in the weeks ahead.

In the meantime, we thank you for your patience.

I am sincerely hoping that this means there will be a Grandstand at Turn 2 in 2014.

I will definitely be waiting for further announcements about this that are not as final as the fine print in the Ticketek FAQ pdf document.
Why is there no Grandstand?

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