Monday, January 20, 2014


Why is there only one round of a National/International event that is not offering reserved grandstand seating in 2014?

Why is there no Grandstand? Screen clipping from FAQ PDF document on Ticketek site.
Hard to find!

Why are loyal Tasmanian fans who have purchased reserved grandstand seating every year since the V8 Supercars event returned to Tasmania no longer able to do this?

Since the return of the V8 Supercars to Symmons Plains in Tasmania in 2004 patrons have been offered a tier of entry options including reserved grandstand seating but this is not the case in 2014. Why?

In the first few years there were three grandstand options to choose from and this gradually declined until only the Grandstand at Turn 2 remained. Each year it is filled with fans who choose to sit and watch the racing from a slightly elevated, sheltered spot that gives great views of the racing action. Not so in 2014. It has gone. Why?

At the start of the return to racing at Symmons Plains the Turn 2 Grandstand was uncovered but it still provided a reserved seat that gave an elevated view of the action. Wisely the organisers added a roof and back curtains making this an ideal spot to shelter from Tasmania's fickle weather and still enjoy the V8 racing along with all the support categories. Great views of the start and battle for places in those first few seconds of each race. Great views of the exit from pit lane and the occasional excursion into the "kitty litter". Why has this option been removed?

Early Morning shot of the Grandstand at Turn 2 ready to be filled with race watchers.

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